Are you the webmaster or web designer I have been looking for?
I have an existing domain name: that I bought years ago and maintain up to this time. I was happily blogging through the help of Bryan, who took charge of the technical side, which included a simple design for the site and uploading the content (text, photos, video) until the site was hacked, not once, but twice. The hacker left with a mocking comment on both occasions. Not enough mockery though to dampen my spirit to put up a blog, hopefully, well secured this time.
I learned a lot from those hacking incidents such as using a more secure password and getting through several security verifications.
I tried approaching a few people to check if they'd be interested to do my website, but sadly ended in vain. So here I am posting a want ad for a webmaster or web designer who will be willing to design I already have my model sites and even a layout on my preferred look.
In the meantime, I would have to be content with a blogger account, which isn't bad after all.