Thursday, June 2, 2016

Modern Day Rom-Com

Dan Villegas’ films are the modern day romantic comedy with the developments in new media serving an integral part of the plot.

In English Only, Please (2014), Julian Parker (Derek Ramsey), while overseas, scouts for an English translator and tutor through online video calls. Mallows (Cai Cortez) meets a prospective lover, applicant number xxx according to her daughter, through the Tinder app.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


My interest in wealth-building started at the same time when my son was born. I thought, “How could I raise Marcus well when I just make ends meet?” I was overwhelmed with the expenses that come with a new born such as milk, diapers, vaccines, health card, and caregiver’s salary. “How else could I prepare for his education?” I wondered.

When I was single, I would contribute to household expenses whenever I can. Whenever I can. While helping out in family expenses was a good practice toward learning independence, I believe it is the parents’ sole responsibility to raise their children.

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Feast

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline (2 Timothy 1:7).

I want to remember this bible verse always. I want to be reminded constantly of the kind of power, love, and discipline God has ingrained in each of us. It can be hard to believe this when negativity looms, whether through self-talk, the people I am surrounded with, or the interpretation I can give to whatever happens to me.  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Wanted: Webmaster or Web Designer

Are you the webmaster or web designer I have been looking for?

I have an existing domain name: that I bought years ago and maintain up to this time. I was happily blogging through the help of Bryan, who took charge of the technical side, which included a simple design for the site and uploading the content (text, photos, video) until the site was hacked, not once, but twice. The hacker left with a mocking comment on both occasions. Not enough mockery though to dampen my spirit to put up a blog, hopefully, well secured this time. 

I learned a lot from those hacking incidents such as using a more secure password and getting through several security verifications.

I tried approaching a few people to check if they'd be interested to do my website, but sadly ended in vain. So here I am posting a want ad for a webmaster or web designer who will be willing to design I already have my model sites and even a layout on my preferred look. 

In the meantime, I would have to be content with a blogger account, which isn't bad after all.